Be honest to your self
Do you see your neighbor each morning set out for a run no matter if rain or shine? Do you think you could do that too, but you simply don’t want to, or you say you have no time? Then you are already caught in a motivation trap: There is always a good excuse why you cannot do a certain exercise. This process starts very silently. In the beginning there was probably a good reason not to go for a walk, jog or go to the gym. However the more often you find a good reason the more you avoid your daily exercise that you actually need. And that is the thing: Many people feel more and more overwhelmed with combining their work and daily chores, which leads to being tired from lack of sleep and being exhausted and sometimes worse to risk their mental health. That sounds like the vicious circle where you need to break out although it is sometimes really hard to recognize. There it is! It is nothing wrong to start your inner dialogue and to admit you are overwhelmed at a certain point in time. Remember what is really important in your life and that way back you were much more careful about your health and well being. Step out of the circle and see where you got stuck so that you do not take your time for your own fitness and health. Start to re-prioritize and begin with the right targets to your own revived fitness journey. Wondering how to do that? If so then think about the following question.

Ask yourself “Why?”
That is a simple but meaningful question and a very straight forward method to explore things more in depth. This concept does not only work in science, but it is applicable for everything and a well proven concept we recommend to our clients. Are you curious how that works? Let’s get started.
Why do you want to re-start your workouts again? – Because I get easily out of breath walking up all the stairs, can’t properly sleep during the night and even worse, my favorite jacket can be worn unbuttoned only.
Why didn’t I see that coming? – Because I neglected myself and totally underestimated the effect of not exercising since it did not happen overnight.
Why are those things important to you? – Because I want to feel healthy again with a good night’s sleep and I want to wear my favorite cloths in the summer. And maybe I can join my neighbor in their morning jog.

Here we have your honest and realistic summer targets out of the “Why’s”.
1) Have at least 6 hours of sound sleep
2) Lose 12 pounds fat tissue and replace it by useable/ visible muscles
3) Build a solid endurance to jog for 5k without stopping
Are you excited about your new self with proper and measurable targets set? Then it is important to find the how to do this in order to keep up the excitement until you reach the finish line of your first milestone.
Make it fun
That is the key. Only what you do with enthusiasm and passion will bring you to the results and find your “soul friend” to share your passion. In most cases your personal trainer fills in. They are the closest person when it comes to discussing your targets and how to reach them. Since personal training does not only consist of the session time with your trainer where you get all the motivation you need, there are also other activities that your trainer encourages you to do outside the session. Your trainer will combine your favorite activities like walking, kayaking, hiking, biking, golfing etc. with your session program. You will get back to your healthier self and feel the results with longer ranges out of your improved golf swings, longer walks with your dog or biking up more hills instead of pushing the bike. Whatever you do to regain your fitness and health, it will work as long as you have fun with it. You are not alone in that fitness journey. Many others found their way back into the healthy lifestyle with the help of one of our online personal trainers. Reach out today and push away all excuses!