With the beginning of a new year I feel tempted to talk about new year resolutions. Just in case you would expect that too, be assured I won’t ask this question this year. At the end of each year it became a habit for us to ask our clients what kind of new year resolutions they will have for the upcoming year in order to adjust their health goals or inspire to get new ones. But what I have noticed is that raising this question could cause an awkward feeling in your gut. Let’s say you started with your new year resolution into your fitness journey with all the motivation that your goals deserve, you nearly didn’t miss any workout session, got a grip on your diet, you really tried hard and in the end, you met your own expectation when you compare your achievements to your last year’s resolution. And all of a sudden you are asked “What is your New Year resolution?”. For sure as it is in many professions, you want to improve and so your goals will be higher than the year before. Basically, there is nothing wrong with it. However, what we see is that this can also be a moment to drop out of your fitness and workout routine because you have tried so hard and now adding even more can sometimes feel overwhelming. That is why we won’t ask this question.
We understand how precious health and fitness are to our clients and how hard they tried in each single workout we provided, and that they are not doing that just to fulfill their new year resolution. What’s important is, when it comes to fitness and health, maintaining your motivation and staying on track. You wonder why is that? Let’s think of yourself sitting in a canoe and paddling up the river and as soon as you stop paddling you float back all the way you came and beyond. The worse thing is, this happens much faster than it took you to get all the way upriver. That is exactly the same with your fitness and health efforts.

Keep your fitness and health goals up – be unstoppable!
Whether you are a newbie in the fitness or already on your fitness and health journey, you have one thing in common: as soon as you have started you cannot stop your efforts. Although everything starts with setting goals and working towards them it means you can stop your efforts once you are there. Knowing that it becomes so important that your personal trainer breaks them down into achievable sub goals and outlines your success as soon as you have reached them. And even more important, you need to celebrate your success by sharing your achievements with your best friend or family or even a little post on your social media. Be assured, with reaching each single goal you can be proud of yourself. And then you move on and keep paddling. Fitness and health are not an on-and-off thing; it is a continuous journey where you discover yourself and your limits, where you meet friends and buddies on a similar journey. The good thing is that it applies for everybody, be it your personal trainer or yourself. We are all in the canoes paddling up the stream, some of us faster than others, but we are all determined to keep going. That is what brings us together.
If you are still struggling with the purpose of a new year resolution and what that would mean to you, how about “be unstoppable in 2022!” You do not know how to start your journey – no problem! The easiest way to bring your health and fitness up is to get in touch with one of our personal trainers in a live video chat. We will help you to get going or keeping you on track with all your efforts. Make your success repeatable each time and don’t let you fall behind.