When you hear the words fitness and exercises, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Is it ’yes, I am in’ or more like ‘I wish I were in shape as I used to be but now you can’t do anything about it’ and ‘exercise is only something that is for those that are already fit’? If you belong to the latter then please continue reading. Let’s have a closer look why you might perceive fitness like that: Very often fitness is associated with very tough exercise classes where most people know their spots in the room and mainly know all the sweating exercises by heart, or it is associated with lifting heavy weights and swinging kettle bells around. This might be valid for some people but luckily fitness and exercise are much more than that. It has so many facets, so it is nearly impossible not to fit in. Why is that?
The second thing is to focus more on activity and movement instead of clinging to the word “exercise”. Because lots of activities you could do have the character of an exercise. Knowing that is a major step to reset your mind set. In order to exercise you don’t have to drive(!) to a gym. Actually, every place could work as a playground for physical activities like letting the car alone and walk over to you best friend’s house, use stairs instead of the elevator, or use your patio for a morning stretch. Make the movement to the goal.
The third thing is to look for more inspiration to stay on the move. It is very likely that after a while you have tried to do more activities and are ready to do more, but you get bored and have little ideas what to do next. That is exactly the time when your change of mindset has already started and you should not get stuck on that way. The best way would be to look for professional guidance in the way you work with a personal trainer. Only a personal trainer would make the effort to understand where exactly you are on your journey to your fitter self. Based on your shared information your personal trainer will be able to plan your next activities with you and to guide you with expertise through your sessions. Not only that your trainer will help you to set small goals that keep you motivated and where you see the progress and the success of your work. At the same time you will recognize your success in becoming fitter every time you move and challenge yourself. If you are there at that point you are already very successful in changing your mindset about fitness!
Mindset is a change a process
And not only mindset, being fit is a constant change process. Every day is different and you might not be driven to be fit every single day, however you see yourself on a lifelong journey with lots of experience and fun to come. To keep your excitement on that journey is to
- Understand fitness and exercise as a change and a chance where you define your goals and directions yourself.
- Understand activities and exercises as enablers to keep you in line with your goals.
- Look for enough inspiration to keep the spirit up and to help with your motivation when you feel like falling off the wagon.
- Remind yourself you are living an active live and enjoy it by celebrating success.
- Be a role model in your family, walk the talk every day, even sometimes with the extra mile. Take other people with you and share your enthusiasm.
We from Fitness Comes To You understand your journey and we are more than willing to help you in your Mindset Change about Fitness. We are there for you. You only need to reach out to us.
Contact us! https://fitnesscomestoyou.ca/contact/