The secret behind motivation

Motivation starts early in life: when we go to school, we are motivated either by our parents’ expectations, by grades, or simply to gain knowledge and a better understanding of what surrounds us. Later in life, we strive for success in our professional life motivated by promotion, by reputation, and social standing, or by better payment to sustain our family. Whatever we go for, we set objectives that we want to reach and we have a plan. Each and every day we remember in the morning why to get up and why we are living the way we do. That is MOTIVATION.
Physical activity needs motivation
When it comes to fitness it is exactly the same. Although it is a well-known fact that not only pets but also human beings need physical activities, it is harder to find the right motivation to be active all the time. In some cases, financial commitment like buying a gym membership, or some costly devices could be a good motivation. This usually works in the beginning, but with a look to sustainability it doesn’t hold up in the long run. Physical activity needs a drive that goes beyond a financial commitment; it needs a motivation that goes along with one’s own life style.

Finding the right motivation to stay active
Motivation is also the key to stay active the entire life. But what could be the right motivation? When one says “I want to be in shape again” then it must translate into tangible objectives in order to serve as a lifelong motivation. Most importantly, you have to find out yourself what drives you. Here are some examples that have proven to be most successful: The easiest motivation is to be enrolled in a competition with the objective to finish it even if not as champion. Another way is to link your activities with your dreams like being on a most spectacular hike with all the challenges a mountain can provide, or to swim your first 2km for yourself or to run longer distances or keeping up with grandchildren living in your household. In a nutshell, physical activity needs motivation too. The best way is to have an objective that is broken down into targets. This motivation can come from yourself or you develop your objectives together with your trainer to work towards your objectives and to keep you motivated.