Personal training with proven history

Working out with a personal trainer once sounded like something only available to a small group of people like high performance athletes or celebrities. This started all the way back in 776 BC when ancient Greeks were preparing for the Olympic Games. Throughout several religious and military organizations, individualized training and workouts could be observed over the centuries until finally ‘The American College of Sports Medicine’ was founded in 1854 in order to qualify and certify the first official personal trainers. Since then, the methods as well as the audience of personal training has changed. Nowadays personal training has become an important part of physical activities and personal well-being. In the past, personal training was reserved for athletes working towards their next competitions and celebrities keeping their bodies in shape, and now it can also be accessed by those who have a long working day in offices, cafes, restaurants, or are taking care of house and children. With increasing health awareness, the desire to do it right first time increases too. So, it is not surprising to see an upward trend to work on an individualized program with a personal trainer.
Different places to work with a personal trainer

No matter what place you choose for a workout, for example a gym, calisthenic park, office room or at home, your workout can be supported by a personal trainer. Those who prefer to go to the gym book their personal trainer to instruct them on the usage of the machines, to observe right performance with the appropriate weights, and to design an individual gym program. Clients who don’t find the time to go to the gym will see their trainer at a place of their convenience where individual training programs are designed and aligned with the client’s schedule. In the after-pandemic time with gyms’ restrictions on time and procedure, the workout location becomes much more important.
Personal Training 2.0 – Inno-Workout

With an increase in health awareness, more people tend to think of their home as the safest place with limited contact to devices and/or other people, especially in the context of intense workouts and sports. Following this new way thinking, the Personal Training 2.0 was born. Instead of having direct contact with our clients, we have transformed the traditional one-on-one training into an online program. Our personal trainers come right into your personal gym, your patio, your living room, or outdoor park via screen. With our indoor clients using their tv, we create the feeling of being right beside them while still being at a safe physical distance. Within these programs, clients have more flexibility in terms of time and workout duration. With the Personal Training 2.0, we provide an innovative workout (Inno-Workout) that is professionally demonstrated and observed by your personal trainer. With the Personal Training 2.0, a new branch is added to the existing online personal training methods provided by videos and plans to make sure everybody finds the right environment for his or her personal training.