Sport and physical activity are a matter of life phases
When it comes to physical activities it seems many people group their lives into different life phases: There is the youth phase with playing outdoors, participating in sports clubs and teams, and acquiring new skills by trying new sports. At that age nearly everybody enjoys being active and feels full of energy. In the next phase, the independent phase, most people build their careers and start their own family life. This is the point when exercising starts to lose its importance. But all of a sudden, people become aware that their physical abilities and skills have deteriorated and they start to worry about their health. This is the moment when you feel out of shape and notice you need to do something about it. However, this restart is sometimes very challenging. It is much easier to maintain physical fitness than it is to rebuild it.

Our genetic code is still unchanged
It is probably surprising to many that our genetic code is still the same as it was 12,000 years ago. We have only seen some minor changes within the last 150 years, such as missing wisdom teeth due to a change in diet or the palmaris longus muscle missing in about 14% of the population. Our distant ancestors had to hunt and gather in order to find enough food. This required physical activities like running, weight lifting, throwing stones and spears and endurance for long distance walks and runs. Being overweight was never an issue. With 360 joints and more than 700 muscles, the human body is made for constant movement. In other words, our body is made to endure physical challenges at any age.
We need the physical challenge at any age
Nowadays, we easily find our food in the supermarket or get it delivered. Not seldom our work requires keeping the same posture over longer periods of time, usually sitting. Since this is the way we win our bread today, we need to get along with that. However, that is only a part of our life. We must also follow our genetics and make enough room for physical activities, be it on your own, with friends, family, or with a trainer. Our experience and studies show that it is never too late to get back in shape and to find your former self. Besides the long- term physical health benefits, sport and physical activities are excellent at relieving stress. No matter what type of physical activity you choose, indoors or outdoors, with or without a trainer, as long you stay active, you are on the right track.