Socializing is a driver for motivation to be active

Many people love to join a fitness club, playing soccer after work, enrolling in a fitness class, or booking a personal trainer. There is for sure the intention to stay in shape, to be fit, and to have fun. That is the first answer you will get when you ask why. But giving it a second thought, the next reason comes with a smile. And that is the chance to meet people in a different environment. The place where you play sports takes away stress and you can easily talk about challenges you were facing during the day. With people that have seemingly the same interest, it is easy to get into a thought exchange and get inspired by other people’s experience. Based on our evolutionary development we are a social species. We want to interact with others, get into a friendly competition, or simply sweat together. And that is one secret driver why we love to be active and stay motivated.
Life has changed since spring 2020

With the appearance of Covid-19 our life has changed. Sports clubs closed or changed their protocols, team sports lost its attractiveness, work life moved to home office and brought with it the challenge of maintaining work-life balance and the possibility of drifting into a more sedentary lifestyle. But there are also advantages, such as getting more time due to the lack of commuting. During summer time life seemed to be back. We could finally socialize outside our bubbles but were not really back in our usual routines. And for a long time we have to come to accept that we need to find new ways to socialize with our sports buddies, to be motivated again for physical activities, and not to sink into a sedentary lifestyle again with all its health changing impacts. We need to explore new ways to get our motivation that are sustainable and will be our new life.
Find a new motivation with physical activities and socializing
In the mid of fall the messages of rising numbers of new infections of Covid-19 make our homes the safest place on earth again. Working from home is back again to ensure you and your families are safe, while contributing to the economy by doing your business from home. But this safety comes with the challenge of physical activities since you can’t do it with your sports pal or your colleague and more. For work, we have learned to deal with a digital world interacting via different applications and doing our jobs remotely. So have we from Fitness Comes To You Online. We turned into a business with trainers that visit clients several times a week online to make sure you stay active and to socialize with a like- minded buddy. But also understanding the importance of socializing beyond your personal trainer, we bring training pals together again in social distance and bring back the motivation to stay active back home.
Are you interested in how it works? Get in touch with us for a free trial!